I have decided to make a very conscious effort to focus on all of the positive things in my life. And even on my worst day, there still has to be one thing that made me smile or made me feel good. It might be a thought, an event or even a phone call. Most of my entries will be brief - a "feel good moment", if you will! Please feel free to leave any comments you have (unless they're bad - there is no negativity allowed here!).

Sunday, August 7, 2011

August 7, 2011

The thing that made me happy today was sitting at a table with 10 people all afternoon where NONE of them even looked at their phones once!  There was not an iPhone or a Blackberry to be seen!  And amongst this group was a doctor, a dentist and a lawyer - all of whom have their own successful practices.  I think we ALL forget sometimes that we can "disconnect" for a little while we are with other people.

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