I have decided to make a very conscious effort to focus on all of the positive things in my life. And even on my worst day, there still has to be one thing that made me smile or made me feel good. It might be a thought, an event or even a phone call. Most of my entries will be brief - a "feel good moment", if you will! Please feel free to leave any comments you have (unless they're bad - there is no negativity allowed here!).

Thursday, July 28, 2011

July 28, 2011

The thing that made me happy today was the kindness and smile of a stranger.  I was ordering breakfast at the deli this morning and I had asked for a packet of Motrin and said "it's going to be one of those days".  The young doorman from the hotel across the street was behind me and asked if I was off on the weekend.  I told him I was and he smiled at me and said "well, it's only 1 more day - you're almost there!"   The way that he said it just made it all seem ok.  (He could have easily had an attitude since I am sure that HE is working on the weekend)  As I left I turned to him and said "have a great day!"  and he said "you too!" with that awesome smile.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes it's the little things that mean the most!
